METAL VISION - | E-Showroom
METAL VISION - | E-Showroom
What is aluminised steel
Aluminized sheet steel is produced in a hot dip process. The coating is an aluminum-silicon alloy which retains its original appearance at high temperatures and reflects most of the radiant heat in its environment. It combines these characteristics with the corrosion resistance of aluminum to provide an excellent heat and corrosion solution.
Typical applications of aluminized steel in heaters
Other application
Aluminised steel vs stainless steel
Aluminized Heat Barrier
The Aluminized Heat Barrier is made up of woven silica with a flexible aluminized finish. The highly-reflective surface of the material is capable of withstanding radiant temperatures up to 2000 DegreeF.
Aluminized steel heat resistance
The pure aluminized coating and La-aluminized coating on 20 carbons steel was prepared by hot dip aluminizing method, respectively. The oxidation resistances and microstructures of the coatings were investigated after diffusion treatment at 900 DegreeC for 6 h. The results show that, the thickness of the surface coating of the hot dip La-aluminized specimens decrease by about 25%-35% than that of the hot dip pure aluminized specimens. After diffusion treatment, the oxidation kinetics curve of pure aluminized coating accords with a parabola growth rule before 40 h and then presents a linear growth rule with a higher oxidation rate after 40 h. The oxidation kinetic curve of La-aluminized coating obeys a parabola growth rule during the whole oxidation and its mass increase is less than that of pure aluminized coating. La addition can restrain the formation and aggregation of voids and subsequently improve the resistances to oxidation and spalling
Can aluminized steel be welded / can aluminized steel be painted (Paintability & Weldability)
Aluminized Steel Type 1 should be cleaned with a mild alkaline cleaner to remove dirt and oil. After various processes, mild abrasion prior to pretreating may also be used to enhance mechanical bonding of the paint A variety of welding processes can be used to join Aluminized Steel Type 1. Various welding processes are compatible with Aluminized Steel.
Finish | Polished |