<p>Huatao Group - Corrugator Belt & Spare Parts</p><p>Web: <u>www.htwirebelt.com</u>        www(dot)htwirebelt.com   </p><p>Email: <u>maple</u><u>@huataogroup.com</u>   maple(at)huataogroup.com </p><p>Tel: 0086 133 8311 0583 </p><p>WhatsApp: 0086 133 8311 0583</p><p>    </p><p>Corrugator belts Inwoven Aramid Edge is a consistent development based on the proven woven high speed corrugator belt range. Also is ideal for corrugating systems with high production speed, even load systems and frequently changing paper widths.</p><p>Corrugator belts Inwoven Aramid Edge -Features</p&