We are manufacturer & supplier of Boiler Chemical. Our Boiler chemical is developed with latest filming amine based technology. It is a combination of Polyamine film forming compound, Neutralizing Amine, Alkalising Amine, Complexing agent, Oxygen Scavenger & Dispersing Agent. It Works as a sludge conditioner, scale inhibitor, oxygen scavenger maintaining the alkalinity of the Boiler Water for low and medium pressure boilers. It forms strong barriers of Aliphatic Fatty Amine on ferrous & non-ferrous amine.We have An Ecofriendly way to solve multiple problems of Boilers having low and medium pressure with a filming amine based single chemical.U.S. Steriles, manufacturing range of Boiler Water Treatment Chemical, given below:Boiler Water Treatment ChemicalFilming Amine Based 3 in 1 ChemicalLow Pressure Boiler ChemicalMedium Pressure Boiler ChemicalBoiler Antiscalent ChemicalAntiscalentScale Control & Sludge conditionerBoiler Descaling ChemicalDescalent chemicalSilica Inhibitor / RemoverThe advantages of our “Boiler Chemical†are as follow:It inhibits deposition as well as corrosion both for boiler water system.It protects the system under abnormal condition due to ingress of acid, Hardness slippage, high Oxygen slippage from De-aerator.Most EconomicalPrevents ScalingGood dispersantcan be used in all conditions & convenient to handleReduces the plant shut down timeoffers multi protection with a single chemical.Universal useEcofriendlyEconomicsHigh thermal conductivity of Amine film & clean surface of heat transfer area of boiler save Energy.Increases the life of the Boilers and saves considerable amount of money by keeping the boilers maintenance free for long periods.Is most economical as compared to other products available in the market as a single product is doing multifunction.The quantity required is at P. P. M. level hence very economical.It maintains the pH of Boiler Water.