LetoPMS - Property Management Softw - | E-Showroom
LetoPMS - Property Management Softw - | E-Showroom
Modules of LetoPMS: Property & Units Manager ,Property Sales Enquiry Management ,Opportunities Management ,Quotes Administration ,Property Booking ,Sales Agents & Commissions ,Tenant Management ,Property Lease Management ,Property Sales Management ,Utility Billing ,Document Management ,Property Legal Case Management ,Complaint Tracking ,Work Order Management ,Receivables and Payable Management ,Post Dated Cheque (PDC) Tracking ,Executive Dashboard Manager and Notes & Alerts. Reasons For Purchase Of LetoPMS:  Customer Inquiry: Create unlimited Customer Inquiry and Property Unit (s) reservation.  CRM Functions: In Built CRM Function enables the user to track the pipe lines and Sales Forecasting of all Sales Reps.  Web Advertisement: Advertising your vacant properties online becomes easier.  Smart Messaging: Includes Value Added Services to your Tenants/customers sending SMS messages.  Smart Tenant Service: Email communications made easy with Tenants.  Tenant: Keep your entire tenant portfolio in the system effectively.  Support Online: Don’t keep waiting for your customer call, Tenant Portal gives you the flexibility to ensure posting complains.  Unbelievable design works with PC, Tablet and mobile simultaneously, this function improves the performance, reducing the staff timing and Additional investment for mobile application purchase.  Dashboards with Graphical design of vacant properties, Contract expiry, document expiry, income report, Payment reports such as PDC…and other security payments.  Powerful search functionality makes user to find any Records easily.  Report Generator allows the user to create customized report templates.  Powerful import and Export facility gives you flexibility to export to Excel, Word, HTML or XML.  Custom designed Property Flyers: A powerful property templates documents can be made and sent to the tenants. These flyers can be used as marketing tool for prospects.  Agreements: Create short ...
Abu Dhabi
Year Established
Business Type
Turn over
Main Markets
United Arab Emirates