Arabia 365 - | E-Showroom
Arabia 365 - | E-Showroom
Arabia365 brings you trending topics by acting as an aggregator of top news stories, images and videos from across the web. At Arabia365, our editorial team would select most shared, viewed and commented stories from a list of authorized sources and precisely presented to the readers in a more meaningful way. We choose the most interesting and entertaining news items from major international and local publications and reduced them into a lively snapshot of headlines and images. As a news curator, we are closely following all news sources with a sharp intellect and probing mind and then artfully hand-pick the best ones. We belong to the new generation business model of digital media. At arabia365 all news items edited into lively and efficient summaries, often combining several sources to make sure you get the best information. Arabia365 brings you, correct and complete summaries of news items often from several sources along with related videos and images, which we always credit and link to. We are using a relatively simple extraction algorithm for general news, without using any highly technical machine retrieves. Our aim is to provide faster and comprehensive news reading experience for people who cannot get what they want from vast, never ending array of news and infotainment websites. www.arabia365.com in its new avatar will strive to create the best package of online news with concise and coherent coverage across all categories and apparently retain its leadership in the online news space of Middle-East as a premier among the news aggregating service providers. From being the first vernacular evening daily in the Middle-East, it is today, re-established as the single largest news portal accessed mostly by India's expatriate community. Arabia's consistent efforts over the years have ensured a vast and ever-growing NRI user base that motivating us to move forward.
Year Established
Business Type
Turn over
Main Markets
United Arab Emirates