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Resource Inspections Canada Incorporated (RICI)

Resource Inspections Canada Incorporated (RICI) - | E-Showroom

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RICI is a premier Trainings and Certification company with presence across 22 countries across the world. We are the only training company registered in Bahrain who are approved by IRCA for ISO related courses. We are also registered on the Tamkeen Professional Certifications Scheme portal as an approved vendor for all IRCA related courses on ISO Standards. Resource Inspections Canada Incorporated (RICI) is an ISO Certification company that helps organizations all over the world making excellence a habit. Some of our most prestigious clients include names like ARAMCO, STC, public and private sector organizations, etc. From many years we are committed to serve the customers to make the world safer, smarter and greener. That means showing businesses how to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth. As a global leader in helping organizations improve, our clients range from high profile brands to small, local companies in more than 15 countries worldwide. RICI’s Inspection, Calibration & Testing 1. Calibration Services: Experts in metrological measurements covers Thermal, Dimensional, Pressure, Mass, Mechanical, Electrical, Fluid, Force, Acoustics, Vibration, Nuclear and Chemical areas of measurements. Our diverse range of capabilities allow us to carry out calibrations for most of the equipment in industry including both on-site and off-site calibrations. Our Lab is accredited as per ISO 17025:2005 by IAS and DAC. 2. Civil Material Testing: Concrete Testing, Soil & Aggregate testing, Asphalt Testing, Non-Destructive Testing and Geo-Technical Testing 3. Chemical & Environmental Testing: Analysis of Water, Minerals, Environment, Food & Consumer Products, Oil & Lubricants, Pharmaceutical Products, Paints & Pigments, Agricultural Products, Industrial Chemicals and Plastic & Rubber Products 4. Third Party Inspections: Vendor Inspections, Welding Inspections, Mechanical Integrity, Marine Inspections, HVAC Inspections and Coating Inspections 5. L ...

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Our Management Team

Tauseef Shaukat

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